How to Raise Fighting Chickens from Experts – Latest Guide

How to Raise Fighting Chickens

How to raise fighting Chickens is always a method that many cockfighting players are interested in looking for. Accordingly, raising chickens to compete requires a lot of skills, the most important of which is nutrition and training regimen. To help you be more convenient, yy777 has compiled a complete detailed chicken raising guide with the following content:

How to raise fighting chickens super standard from experts

Before going into the nutritional and training factors, breeders need to screen the individuals they like. This will help you choose fighting cocks with superior qualities:

How to choose the breed

Before applying the method of raising fighting chickens, choosing the breed of chickens plays an extremely important role, in deciding the quality of the chicken flock later. You should choose roosters that are beautiful, healthy, and agile. The chickens must have large, strong bones, smooth feathers, strong legs, and beaks. In particular, priority should be given to choosing chickens that come from chicken flocks with good fighting records.

Disinfect before putting chickens in the coop

This is how to raise fighting chickens that you need to pay careful attention to, before putting the chickens in the coop, you need to disinfect the coop with specialized disinfectants. This helps to completely destroy pathogens and bacteria in the coop, preventing diseases for the chickens. Farmers can use disinfectants such as formalin, potassium permanganate, or lime powder. Mix the medicine according to the manufacturer’s instructions and then spray it evenly throughout the coop. After disinfection, the coop must be completely dry before putting the chickens in.

Nutrition for raising fighting cocks

Nutrition for raising fighting cocks
Nutrition for raising fighting cocks

As we have shared, in the way of raising fighting cocks, nutrition is extremely important. To know what nutrition fighting cocks need, please see the information below:

Food for fighting cocks

Feed plays an important role in maintaining the health and fighting ability of fighting cocks. One of their main foods is rice. Before feeding the chickens, the rice needs to be carefully processed. First, soak the rice in water for 8 to 12 hours. Before feeding the chickens, mix in digestive enzymes, minerals, and necessary vitamins to ensure the best health for the chickens.

Drinking water for fighting cocks

Drinking water is also very important in raising fighting cocks. You need to pay attention to the amount of water provided to the chickens. You should give the chickens water about 2 times a day. Especially in winter, there is no need to give the chickens more water because they have enough water from food. The reason is that fighting cocks should not store too much fat or water in their bodies.

Diet during competition

During the competition, you should feed your chickens according to the following regimen:

  • Morning: Feed the fighting cock with drained rice.
  • Afternoon: Feed the chicken more green vegetables or bean sprouts.
  • Before going to bed: Feed the chicken 1/3 more food in the morning then give it water.
  • In addition, in the way of raising fighting cocks to improve their health, you can give them nutritional supplements (about 2-3 tablets per week). Super nutritious bait foods such as baby eels, shrimp, and nutritional worms must also appear regularly during the stage when the cocks are preparing for competition. In the food, you can combine cooked fish meat with fresh garlic. Garlic helps the cocks digest better.

How to train fighting cocks?

The next influential way to raise fighting cocks is the training process. Fighting cocks need to go through the following exercises to be confident enough to fight:

Practice rhyming with breath and blow

Breathing exercise is an exercise that helps increase the endurance, flexibility, and respiratory system of fighting cocks. This exercise is performed by continuously moving the cock for a certain period of time, creating conditions for the cock to move to the maximum, and promoting the respiratory muscles to work. When performing this technique, you need to make sure that the opponent’s spurs are sealed so as not to affect your fighting cock. A spur that is too long will cause serious injury to the cock, getting out of control. 

Early morning exercise

Early morning exercise helps fighting cocks get used to exercising at sunrise, increasing their endurance and adaptability to the environment. This way of raising fighting cocks should be done in short periods of time, from 15-30 minutes, with light activities such as jogging or walking.

Let the chicken practice reflexes

Reflex training is a very important exercise for fighting cocks, helping them react quickly as well as increase accuracy when confronting opponents. This exercise can be done by using tools such as tennis balls, dummies, or punching bags, creating unexpected stimuli for the cocks to react quickly with appropriate moves.

Detailed care regimen for fighting chickens

Detailed care regimen for fighting chickens
Detailed care regimen for fighting chickens

The last way to raise good fighting chickens that you need to remember is the care step. This is the step that helps your fighting chicken always maintain its form even if the environment suddenly changes, specifically:

Let the chickens sunbathe

Sunbathing is an indispensable step in raising fighting cocks. This will help the cocks synthesize vitamin D and calcium, support bone development, and make the cocks stronger. You should let the cocks sunbathe in the morning from 7-9 am when the sunlight is not too harsh. Sunbathing time is about 15-30 minutes per day, absolutely no more. 

Make chicken stew

Massaging will help your fighting cock relax, increase blood circulation, and help the cock recover quickly after training or competing. The way to massage the cock is very simple, first, you need to prepare a basin of warm water and a little salt. Take a towel, dip it in warm water mixed with salt, then wring out the water, and use the towel to gently wipe the entire body of the cock. Then, use your hands to gently massage the cock’s muscles, focusing on large muscle groups such as thighs, chest, wings, etc.

The method of raising fighting cocks by massaging should only be done on mature fighting cocks and not too often. You should limit this action on young fighting cocks because the massaging mixture is often quite hot, which can easily make the chicken panic and lead to running away. For cockfighters in the North, in the winter, you should massage the chickens early in the morning or at noon, avoid doing it in the evening. After massaging, let the chickens sunbathe and dry naturally and you’re done.

Replace the base layer, add more sand

The bedding is where the chickens come into contact the most, so you need to clean it thoroughly to avoid bacteria that cause disease in the chickens. The safest way to raise fighting chickens is to change the bedding regularly, at least once a week. 

When changing the bedding, add a little sand so that the chickens can take a sand bath to clean their feathers. If there are sick chickens in the caged area, you need to isolate them from the flock immediately. Then carry out a complete disinfection to limit the spread of infection to the remaining individuals.

The article that has just shared with you is the super standard on how to raise fighting chickens from the sharing of experts. Hopefully, the above method will help you more easily in taking care of your fighting chickens. To help them maintain their form, promote their maximum fighting skills.